Book Review
Belle the Blue-banded Bee
Shane Meyer 2022. Shane Meyer
A bee awakens on a warm, sunny day. But this is no ordinary bee. She has a special ability that honeybees can only dream about.
After searching for flowers, she returns home only to find that it has been destroyed.
What happened to her home?
Where will she live now?
It's a common misconception that all bees make honey and live in a hive or colony. On the contrary, approximately 70% of the world’s bee species lay their eggs in underground nests, and most live solitary lives. Therefore, it’s important for us to leave some areas of our yards bare and mulch-free, and avoid the use of pesticides and insecticides in our gardens where possible.
All information taken from Belle the blue-banded bee
This book is available for loan from the Fleurieu Environment Centre