Fleurieu Environment Centre Eco-Store
Birds of the Hindmarsh River Trail Fleurieu Peninsula by Malcolm Worthing. What to see and where to see them on 5 different trails - $32.50 each
Dung Down Under by Bernard Doube and Tim Marshall. Dung beetles are nature’s most efficient recyclers. - special offer $10.00 each
Fleurieu Birds by Peter Gower. What to see and where to see it. This very popular book has been reprinted - $50.00 each
Fleurieu Peninsula Animals of Land, Sea and Sky by Barry Silkstone and Debbie Simmonds. Recognise and appreciate the wonderful diversity of wildlife that the region has to offer - $29.95 each
Start with the Leaves by Robert Lawrence- a simple guide to common orchids and lillies of the Adelaide Hills - $29.99 each
That Grass Book by Ellen Bennett Identifying grasses in southern Australia - $45 each
Willunga Birds - a photographic guide to the local birds found on the Fleurieu $18.00 each
Your Wild Imagination Books - nature play activities for kids. $35.00 each
Sustainable Living Products
Bulk Cleaning Products:
Bicarb Soda
Castile Soap
Dishwashing Liquid
Hand or body wash
Laundry Liquid
Laundry Powder
Spray & wipe (antibacterial)
Zero-waste Products (please note not all stock available all the time)
Who Gives A Crap Toilet and Yarn’n Paper Products
Natural Deodorant & Beauty Products
Bamboo Toothbrushes
Compostable Dish Brushes
Reusable Straws & Cleaning Brushes
Shampoo Bars, Conditioner Bars & Natural Soaps
Handmade Crochet Dishcloths & Make-up Remover Rounds
Handmade Beeswax Wraps
Handmade Tote Bags
….and more!
Other Stuff
Native Seedlings -$3 (Only during colder seasons)
Greeting Cards (various prices). Come into the centre to view many more cards.
Speciality Cards (various prices). Made locally for that special person.
Things change constantly so please drop in to see what is currently on offer.