WEDNESDAY 2nd APRIL 9am-11am
Yankalilla Community Garden Working Bee from 10:00am to 12:00pm
1st Wednesday of the month
Outside the Community Centre Library.
FRIDAY 11th APRIL 10:30 - 12:00
Make and Mend Circle.
Come along with your fabric items to mend, your spinning, crocheting, knitting, or darning. We will have a sewing machine set up, and someone demonstrating drop spindle spinning – you can even have a go! Free morning tea treats provided.
Normanville Veggie Swap.
Got some excess fruit, veggies, seeds, flowers, plants or home grown produce of any kind?
The swap starts at 9.30am on the dot, so make sure you arrive at 9.20am and stay for a cuppa and some cake in the Environment Centre after we’ve shared produce.
If you have any questions please send us an email at info@flec.com.au
MONDAY 7th APRIL from 9:30am
The Yankalilla Community Nursery is a great opportunity for locals to learn about the environment and gain knowledge about local flora.
For more information, please send us an email at info@flec.com.au
SUNDAY 20th APRIL 10am-12noon (9:00am-11:00am if hot)
Yankalilla Community Garden Working Bee from 10:00am to 12:00pm
3rd Sunday of the month
Outside the Community Centre Library.
The Yankalla Community Nursery is a great opportunity for locals to learn about the environment and gain knowledge about local flora.
For more information, please send us an email at info@flec.com.au
TUESDAY 22nd APRIL 10:00am to 3:00pm SOLD OUT
Spoon Carving Workshop
Make your own spoon to take home using an axe to remove bulk material, and carving complex shapes using a straight and hook knife. Enjoy this traditional way of spoon making with hand tools.
cost $50 per person not suitable for children
THURSDAY 24th APRIL 5:30pm to 6:30pm
Sad Sex on the Fleurieu
Come and explore, via tears, humour and science, the threats to the amazing sexual diversity of the Fleurieu Peninsula.
Cost $15 per person. Not suitable for children
Book https://www.festivalfleurieu.com.au/events/sad-sex-on-the-fleurieu
THURSDAY 8th MAY 1pm-3pm
Eco-Book and Podcast Club
first Thursday of every second month.
Next book: Songlines (First knowledges) by Margo Ngawa Neale and Lynne Kelly
Bird field trip
to be confirmed
Contact Wendy on wwhite140@gmail.com if you are interested in joining the group. or to find out where they are going
Coastal Nature Bingo
Bird Field Trips
Community Nursery
Friends of Banksia Park
Friends of Nixon Skinner
Heritage Tree Trail
Hooded Plover Program
Native Plants
Veggie & Produce Swap