Community Garden
Fire Wise Grant
Free Little Libraries
Hooded Plover Program
Heritage Tree Trail
Native Plants
Native Weeds
Second Valley Geology
Wellbeing Walks of Southern Fleurieu
Upcoming Event Details
COMMUNITY NURSERY WORKING BEE- 1st and 3rd Monday of every month
Where: Council Depot
Time : 9.30am - 3.00pm
A working bee for the Community Nursery is held the first and third Monday of every month.
Corey Jackson, NRM Coastal Conservation Officer for the Southern Fleurieu Peninsula has set up a small community nursery at the Yankalilla Council Depot.
The aim of the nursery is to be able to propagate enough plants in the future to supply many of the local groups who are revegetating.
IF YOU CAN SPARE A COUPLE OF HOURS (or more), anytime between 9.30am and 3.00pm on the first and third Monday of the month, we would love to see you there!
or please contact the NNRC on 8558 3644 if you would like more information.
BANKSIA PARK WORKING BEE - 1st Saturday of every month
Where: Banksia Park
Time : 8.30am onwards
Banksia Park, situated behind Mitre 10, is home to the beautiful Banksia marginata some of which are hundreds of years old and in need of some tender loving care. The Friends of the Banksia Park group is organising some weeding in the park, so sessions are held on the 1st Saturday of each month from 8.30 am onwards.
If you are interested in helping for an hour or so, please just turn up on one of these dates with your favourite weeding implement.
FRIENDS OF NIXON SKINNER - 1st Friday of every month
Where: Nixon Skinner Conservation Park
Time : 9.00am at the park entrance
The Fleurieu Environment Centre has formed a Friends of Nixon Skinner Group to maintain the diversity of the park and protect the native orchids especially the very rare Cherry Helmet Orchid. Working bees are held on the first Friday of each month at the reserve. If you are interested in joining us in this activity please contact the centre on 8558 3644 or email info@flec.com.au Bookings essential
to book for this event email info@flec.com.au
VEGGIE SWAP - 1st Saturday of every month
Where: Fleurieu Environment Centre
Time: Set up 9.15am for a 9.30am start
A great social event where people come together and swap their surplus produce in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere while catching up with old friends and making news ones.
First Saturday of every month.
SOCIAL SEWING AFTERNOON - 2nd Thursday of every month
Where: Fleurieu Environment Centre
Time : 1pm
Calling on sewers and non-sewers!
To be held on the second Thursday of each month from 1pm at the Fleurieu Environment Centre
Join us for a fun afternoon sewing and creating new items such as produce and shopping bags from recycled fabric.
Afternoon Tea will be served!
Please register on 8558 3644 or just drop in on the day!