Book Review
From one small seed, a forest is born
Neville Bonney, 2021.
From One Small Seed is a comprehensive guide to Australian native plants and their seeds. Over 700 species from 63 families and 240 genera are described with their identifying features of flowers, fruits and seeds illustrated. Each species description is accompanied by a distribution map and information about pollinators, seed dispersal, seed collection, propagation, ecology and Aboriginal names and uses. Species information is supported by introductory chapters on our changing landscapes and related topics.
Lavishly illustrated with photos from the field, From One Small Seed is the ideal companion for anyone engaged in the restoration of ecosystems and landscapes in southern and central Australia as well as for plant enthusiasts and people travelling this great wide land.
Neville Bonney is a pioneer in the promotion of Australian native plants and has spent a lifetime educating people about the importance and conservation value of what he describes as our National Estate.
All information taken from From one small seed
This book is part of the Fleurieu Environment Centre Reference Collection and can be viewed at the Centre