Epacris impressa

Common Heath

Upright shrub, with one main stem up to 1 m tall.
Small lance shaped leaves, with a pointed end to 1cm long along the stem, pungent. Green with the midrib more prominent underneath.
Beautiful pendulous clusters of pink, white or red with 5 fused petals into a tubular form, 1 to 2cm long, in the leaf axils along the stem. Sometimes with different colours on the same plant. Flowering Winter to Spring.
Many small seeds are held in a green, 5 valved capsule. When mature, in summer, bend the fruiting stems over a container to collect the fine seed which will fall out easily. Store in a warm, dark place until sowing time. In Spring, sprinkle seed over an acid potting mix & mist the fine seed in rather than covering it with soil. Keep in a warm position, well drained but moist position . This plant is not fond of the cold & can be difficult to propagate. Best planted in a similar place. It will benefit from pruning after slow release fertilizing at the end of Winter or beginning of Spring, being careful not to remove all the seeds. Can be grown successfully in pots. Cuttings can be taken from tip growth, 6 weeks after flowering, keep moist. Again propagation by cutting of this plant can be difficult.
Found in woodlands, heathlands & shrublands in acid soils. Will regenerate after fires well. Also in NSW, VIC, & TAS. Pink heath is the floral emblem of VIC