Hakea rugosa
Dwarf Hakea, Beaked Hakea, Wrinkled Hakea
A shrub from 1m sometimes to 2m.
Prickly, sharp pointed, 3cm leaves, grey/green, round or triangular in cross section.
Woody wrinkled pod, to 2cm, with a curved beak at the end, containing 2 papery black seeds.
Flowering late Winter to Spring, in clusters along the stem in leaf axils, whitish cream, 1cm flowers.
Collect pods when mature, with gloves & leave in a box in a warm, dry place until seeds dislodge or can be shaken out. Easy to propagate. Sow just beneath the soil or propagating mix in a sunny position. Sow in late Winter. Good garden plant. Bees & bird favourite.
Sandy, lime or loam soils. Moderately frost tolerant. Tolerant of all soil pH. Sunny position.