Diplotaxis tenuifolia
Lincoln Weed
An erect, branching perennial weed, invading neglected disturbed sites, roadsides, railways& pastures reaching 1m tall and between 30 to 80 cm wide.
Fleshy dark green, dived & lobed. Bigger leaves more & divided on the lower portion of the plant. 10 to 15cm long.
Flowers have 4 petals, 8 to 15mm across occurring singly & in clusters at the end of stems. Flowering all year.
Produces a cylindrical seed pod 2 to 5cm long x 1 to2 mm wide, with a small beak. Containing approximately 50 to 80 brown or yellow orange egg shaped seed 2mm.
Lincoln weed has a deep tap root which it can reproduce as well as seed.
Lincoln weed was initially planted as a soil binder, but is known to be poisonous to stock, although rarely eaten. It does contaminate cereal pastures & will taint meat & dairy produce.